Strong Winter Leaves

My life has been sorta up in the air and pressured. To relieve some of my stress I went out in nature to where I feel the most calm. So I went out and took some pictures, some of which were of leaves.  What came to mind is that even through the harshness of winter-these little guys have the strength to hold on. There are many people that are the same way, that no matter what God has for them they stay strong. God will give you the strength if you ask for it and He can never let you go through something that you will not be able to endure with Him by your side! So if you are going through something rough even something that you may think you can't do, pray to God for strength and hold these little leaves. God will be with you with every step. How many times taking pictures can calm me down and turn my focus on God, off the details of my worried, busy life to His detailed and peaceful world.
"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."- I Corinthians 10:13


  1. Can I tell you that you take some great photos! I really love your work, you have a great talent. I can also tell that you have a strong relationship with God through your posts, what a great inspiration you must be to your family and friends! Be confident in your work and the career you have chosen because you have some awesome abilities! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thank you so much! I like to think I have a good relationship with God, but I know I can keep growing because I am not as close as I would like to be by any means. Thank you for your encouraging and caring words. I hope my photography gets better and goes even farther as I pursue it. Thank you for commenting and also your nice words it means a lot. :)
