My First Baby Photoshoot

I took photos for my friend, this is my first time taking baby photos so they are not perfect. However, I had a good time and it was a good experience to learn for other photo-shoots. The kids were great! Can't wait to do another one and get better. God has always given me experiences and opportunities I thought I wouldn't  have this early on my journey in photography. It is amazing how God has such a bigger and better plan than this earthly plan of mine :) Please keep in mind of what God may have in store in your life whether things are going bad or good, because He always knows best and is in control. I am really glad to be doing photography and being involved in other people's lives that is what I love and want the most.

 I Corinthians 2:9 But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”



  1. Aww he's precious!! I especially love the first with the baby's feet :) and that little girl's a cutie! :)
    Very true--everything in our life God sends us to polish and make us even better, even if it may seem like a failure, we learn something with every step we take in this world. And His plans are always good and perfect for us!
    I hope you had a very merry christmas!!!! --Hannah

  2. I agree both children were cute ;) I agree things that we think our a failure can be learned from that is the beauty of what God can use in our lives. Thank you for sharing your thoughts I always like reading them. God's way is always good you are exactly right. Merry Christmas and have a great New Year too:)
