
Hello I'm Leah and I'm a Christian photographer who enjoys taking photographs. I just graduated College with my Bachelor's degree in photography and I wanted to create a website for others to find me. This is a place where I will post updates, some photos I've taken and also what I offer. Feel free to go and check out my pages and get to know me a little bit better. I am interested in anyone who would like a photo session for their senior pictures, family portrait or maybe even for your business or company. Thanks for dropping by!


  1. I love your photos Leah!! You are very talented!! Would I be able to ask what camera you use?

  2. Thank you very much. Certainly I can tell you. I use a Canon Rebel T1i it isn't the newest or best out there, but I like it and it does a good job. Thank you for your kind words. Thank you to for your interest. :)
