A Touch of Fall

So I have been working at my photography job and all is well. God has blessed me far beyond what I deserve and could think. I am very thankful to Him for giving me this job and I found out that I will be working in the spring for them as well!! I have been able to go outside and take photos which is relaxing and fun. The colors and things in nature are so beautiful! God has created such a pretty world for us to live it. From the colors of the sunrise to the colors of fall, to the landscape of the mountains and hills to the outlook over the ocean. "Who stills the roaring of the seas, The roaring of their waves, And the tumult of the peoples. They who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs; You make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy." - Psalm 65:7-8  With a world filled with sin, I can't imagine heaven!! Here is just a touch of fall.


  1. Beautiful pictures Leah!! first picture + new laptop background: check! Haha if you don't mind :) They are such unique in-depth pictures--a whole new view of the grass and seed pods that is very cool! and I love that hint of red in that last picture :) Also I love the filters you use! That kind of bluish/greenish tint is one of my favorites :) and I love the tree and the grass and the spiderwebs are so cool and ahhh!!!!!!!! [sorry bout that, hehe..... ;)]
    I agree--God gave us such a beautiful world and it's so wonderful to be able to walk out and enjoy it, anytime and anywhere!
    I'm so glad everything is going well for you!! That's great that they asked you back--congratulations!!! Praying for even MORE blessings for you and your amazing talents that God has blessed you with!!
    Love to all! Hannah

  2. Lay, Amazing, beautiful and breathtaking photos!! I LOVE THEM! you are so talented!! :) Thanks for sharing the pictures and posting- I was happy to see a new post!!!!!

  3. Thank you Hannah and Britt so much :) Hannah of course I don't mind you can use any of my photos on your background any time ;) You are so observant of objects and colors in photos, which is a good thing. Thank you for your prayers and I am so glad God has given us this world to live in and enjoy. Britt- yeah it has been a while since I posted ;) Thank you both of always being supportive. You both make my day!!
