First Day Job

Went for my first day at my first official photography job. I was a little shaky and embarrassed myself quite a few times, but for the most part I think it went well. Still have a long ways to go, but God got me through today and I am excited to keep going and see what God has in store for me. Gotta love first days. ;) I know this job is where God wants me because He has opened up this opportunity for me from the beginning. I am not completely sure why, but I will trust Him and for whatever reason it is I will try to do my best. Sure glad God is on my side and right beside me. Hope this job is fun, exciting, and I get to enjoy it! It is only seasonal so at least I will at least get a feel for it and get to take photos for a few months. We shall see how it goes. I would appreciate prayers though just that I will do my best and that I will be able to use God's talent He has given me. Glad to be working! Thanks for your prayers. Have a wonderful rest of this day God created that is unique and different from all others from what have been and will be made.


  1. Thats great!! I'm so glad it went well, and I know you did wonderfully!! Yeah first days can be a little tough but you'll get into the flow of the job soon, with God by your side to help you :)
    I will definitely be praying for you!! Remember that no matter whether you embarrass yourself or mess up or upset people, God is by your side! :)

  2. Thank you so much Hannah you are always so good with your words and always seem to write what I need to hear! It is so much more of a comfort when I know that God is by my side and you are so right He is always there to help us. Thank you so much for your prayers I will really need them. I will be praying for you as well. Thanks again!!

  3. Lay, glad that your first day of training went good. God will continue to help and guide you! Like you said- God has brought you to this job and led you to where He wants you- He will continue to lead you!! I know that you will do great where God takes you. You are hard working and you always try your best. I'm glad you are my sister and keep me updated on your job experiences when I'm off at college!!
